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A Guide to Organic Active Ingredients

A Guide to Organic Active Ingredients


Bacillus Thurengensis (BT): BT attacks leaf and needle eating caterpillars through ingesting the bacterium. They will stop feeding with out hours although you may not see extermination for a few days. 

Citrus Oils: Citric oil from citrus peels destroys the waxy coating in the the insects repository systems making it one of the more effective organic controls. It can harm aquatic invertebrates however, so it should not be used neat streams or ponds. 

Diatomaceous Earth (DE): An abrasive powder that creates microscopic cuts to the exoskeleton of crawling insects. Insects that happen to digest DE will die within 48 caused by dehydration. DE may cause lung irritation to humans, so best practice is to wear a mask for application. 

Hot Pepper Wax: Hot pepper wax repels aphids, cabbage loopers, armyworms, spider mites, and whiteflies. One application with last up to 30 days and does not wash off easily. Avoid using on variegated African Violets, Basil, Parsley, and Fruit. 

Insecticidal Soap: Insecticidal soaps are salts of fats and oils found in animals and plants. They work by dehydrating soft-bodied insects and require application every 7-10 days to infested areas. 

Horticultural Oils and Sprays: They coat the insects airways as well as their eggs and suffocate them. These can damage plants in high temperatures and low humidity conditions. Dormant oil should be applied in the winter while we use horticultural oil in the summer months. 

Neem Oil: Neem is not a single substance but is a general term for both Azadirachtin and Neem Oil, which is derived from the Neem Tree. Azadirachtin affects insects in many different ways including acting as an insect growth regulator, antifeedant, repellant, and sterilant. It also works as a stomach poison in which the insects must ingest during feeding in order to work. Neem oil extract works by suffocating insects and mites. It is also very effective against caterpillars, aphids, leaf miners, mealybugs, scale, thrips, and whiteflies.

Essential oils: Extracts from plant material including Garlic, Clove, Cedar, Lavender, Peppermint, and Citronella should not be confused with horticultural oils. These oils work by repelling and smother insects. 

Pyrethrins: Made from the ground up Chrysanthemum flower head it disrupts the nervous system of insects. Most Pyrethrins are toxic to cold blooded animals. 

Spinosad: Derived from bacteria it affects the nervous system and kills insects within a day or two of ingestion.


Copper Sulfate: Apply copper when leaves can absorb and dry quickly. It is however toxic to aquatic creatures so do not use near streams and ponds. 

Sulfur: Sulfur controls mites and prevents foliar diseases. Do not apply to plants treated with horticultural oil within the past 4 weeks. Sulfur corrodes metal so aplastic applicator is best.