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Air purifying house plants

Air purifying house plants

Aloe Vera: Removes formaldehydes from the air. Can also be used topically on skin for burns. Bright indirect light.

Rubber Plant: Cleans air by emitting high oxygen content & purifies indoor air by removing toxins. Indirect bright light, well draining soil and infrequent watering.

Boston Fern: Acts as a natural air humidifier, and general purifier. Among one of the best air purifying plants! Bright light and damp soil.

English Ivy: Known for removing the chemical Benzene along with helping asthma and allergies. Moderate amounts of bright light.

Ficus Tree: removes formaldehyde, benzene, and trichloroethylene. Need indirect bright light.

Snake Plant: Also know as Mother-in-Law's Tongue. Thrives in low light and humid conditions.

Golden Photos: Removes carbon monoxide in the air and generally increase indoor air quality. Can thrive in bright or low light spaces.

Peace Lily: Removes several toxins and mold spores from the air making it exceptional for bathrooms, kitchens and laundry rooms. Prefers a lot of water and bright indirect light.

Janet Craig Dracaena: Best for filtering rooms that are newly carpeted or furnished as as levels of formaldehyde are the highest. Water deeply and infrequently letting it dry out between waterings prefers bright indirect light.