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Enjoy Your Own Backyard Orchard!

Enjoy Your Own Backyard Orchard!

Fruit Trees & Berries at Twin Oaks

Enjoy your own Backyard Orchard! Whether you have lots of room, or just a small space you can enjoy growing your own Fruit & Berries. Twin Oaks Nursery carries a large selection of Fruit Trees, Pecans, Berries & Grapes all recommended for North Texas & Southern Oklahoma.

Your Fruit of Choice. 

In North Texas the best production fruit trees start with the letter P. Including Peaches, Plums, Pears, Persimmons, Pecans and Pomegranates. However, we are able to grow other varieties of fruit with great success such as Figs, Apples, Nectarines, Citrus and Apricot.

Some of these mentioned trees need a little more attention during the winter months. Certain varieties of Fig and all Citrus trees must be placed in a pot and live in a warmer environment like your garage, house, greenhouse or even a basement during the colder winter months. While we do have quite a few hardy Fig varieties it is best to do your research or ask one of our garden coaches about the variety you are choosing before planting directly in the ground. 

Power of Pollination

When it comes to fruit trees some of them must have a buddy close by to pollinate while some produce and perform just fine on their own. Below is a list of our top performing trees and their pollination preferences.

Peaches: Most peach varieties are self-pollinating, meaning they do not require pollen from another tree to set fruit. However, planting more than one tree can improve fruit set and yield.

Plums: Many plum varieties need pollen from a different plum variety for successful fruit set. Methley is the variety you will need to create pollination with any other variety of your choosing

Pears: Moonglow pear will be the variety needed for successful cross pollination. 

Pomegranates: Pomegranates are generally self-pollinating, meaning one tree can produce fruit on its own. However, having multiple trees can boost fruit yield and quality.

Persimmons: Fuyu persimmon are self-pollinating, while others require pollen from another tree for fruit production. Check the specific variety for pollination requirements.

Pecans: These are typically self-pollinating but as always produce a better yield when they have a buddy close by. 

Figs: Generally self-pollinating Celeste is the best and most hardy variety for our North Texas climate. Little Miss Figgy being a second close but needs to be mobile in a container to be pampered during the cooler months. 

Nectarines: Nectarines, like peaches, are generally self-pollinating. Planting more than one tree can improve fruit production and quality.

Apricots: Many apricot varieties need pollen from a different apricot tree to set fruit. Some varieties are self-pollinating but having multiple trees can enhance fruit set.

Apples: Apple trees generally need pollen from a different apple variety for fruit production we recommend the golden delicious as your pollinator. Planting at least two compatible varieties is recommended to ensure good pollination and fruit set.

Citrus:  Citrus trees, including oranges, lemons, and limes, are self-pollinating. They can produce fruit with their own pollen, although having multiple trees can help increase fruit production. All citrus trees should be in containers to be brought in during cold months as they will not survive Texas winter weather. 

Blueberries: Cross pollination is needed for production on these shrubs. You must have at least 2 different varieties although 3 different varieties are preferred. 

Blackberries: Blackberries are self-pollinating fruits and perform very well in our climate. Having more than one bush is always beneficial. 

Grapes: Self-pollinating and any variety of table grape is one that will perform best in our area. 

Strawberries: These are best to plant in the fall from October-November. Mulch them heavily before freeze and they will come back in the spring. make sure to plant dozens of plants for a harvest worth mentioning. You can over summer them for about 2 years if you protect them with shade cloth. 

About Citrus in North Texas

Citrus trees make a wonderful addition to any home. Their uniqueness, fragrant blossoms, colorful fruit, and low maintenance tendencies combine to create a joyful experience for any homeowner. They grow quickly and produce a plentiful supply of fresh, delicious, and healthy fruit while adding a sweet fragrance and ornamental appeal to the yard, porch, patio, balcony and even inside the home.