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Fall Planting, Lets Get to it.

Fall Planting, Lets Get to it.

Why Fall is the Best Time to Plant: Embrace the Magic of the Season

It’s hard to imagine anyone needing another reason to fall in love with autumn, but if you’re on the fence about why this season is truly special, let me share a fantastic secret: fall is actually the best time to plant!

“Really?” you might ask. “How can that be?”

Let me explain why autumn provides the perfect conditions for planting trees, shrubs, and perennials, making it the ideal time to set your garden up for success.

The Fall Advantage

When you plant in the fall, your plants get a head start on their growth before the stress of the scorching summer heat. The cooler temperatures and increased fall rain create an optimal environment for root establishment. This means that by the time summer rolls around, your plants will be better equipped to handle extreme heat and drought conditions.

Winter Is Not a Plant’s Enemy

One common misconception is that young trees and perennials can’t handle winter. In reality, they’re simply going dormant. Think of it as a natural hibernation period. During winter, plants slow down their growth, and energy consumption. This rest period is essential for them to establish a robust root system without the added stress of active growth. By the time spring arrives, your plants will awaken refreshed, with a strong foundation ready to support new growth.

Why Now Is the Time to Plant

If you’re ready to dive into planting, now is the perfect time. We have a vast selection of shade trees, ornamental trees, fruit trees, shrubs, pollinator-friendly perennials, and Texas natives just waiting to be planted. By planting now, you give them a head start that will result in an extra boost of growth and maturity come spring. This added advantage will help you create the lush, beautiful landscape of your dreams.

So, embrace the magic of fall and get busy planting. Your future garden will thank you for the head start, and you’ll get to enjoy a stunning, thriving landscape for years to come. Happy planting!