Spring Store Hours! 9 - 6pm (We Love Our Working Customers)
Nature’s Creation® Earthworm Castings with My
corrhizal Fungi are a high source of beneficial bacte
ria which increases the microbial activity and adds to
the improvement of the soil structure.
Earthworm castings manure is essentially earthworm
waste. As earthworms eat through compost, their
waste creates an optimal soil enricher. Organic mat
ter feeds soil microorganisms that produce, store and
slowly release plant nutrition. The castings also im
prove soil aeration and drainage as well as increasing
the water retention.
Nature’s Creation® Earthworm Castings with My
corrhizal Fungi are a high source of beneficial bacte
ria which increases the microbial activity and adds to
the improvement of the soil structure.
Earthworm castings manure is essentially earthworm
waste. As earthworms eat through compost, their
waste creates an optimal soil enricher. Organic mat
ter feeds soil microorganisms that produce, store and
slowly release plant nutrition. The castings also im
prove soil aeration and drainage as well as increasing
the water retention.